


Positive Intelligence (PQ) Mental Fitness Program -

Improve relationships, reduce stress and how you self-sabotage, and increase resilience by building your mental fitness in 7 weeks 


The Positive Intelligence (PQ) mental fitness program is designed by Shirzad Chamine, NY best-selling author of PQ and Stanford Professor.  I took this program in 2022 and am living with greater flow, compassion, clarity, less judgment, and joy.  Come join me and no more than 5 other participants for a 7-week life changing program.



What is Mental Fitness? 

Mental fitness is the capacity to respond to life’s challenges with a positive rather than a negative mindset. We all have a negativity bias to survive and those negative voices in our head tell us “I’m not good enough, I’m an imposter, what if I’m wrong, I will fail, or what will people think?”  Sound familiar?  Research shows that only 20% of people hit peak mental performance. The question is, how can we be part of 20%? Many of us have intentions for the best and yet time, knowledge, accountability, and/or motivation hold us back especially when we don’t build lasting habits.



The Science and Research

Based on Shirzad’s breakthrough research with over 500K participants (CEOs, students, athletes, professionals) in 50+ countries and the latest neuroscience and psychology research, he designed a simple yet impactful approach to overcome our sabotaging behaviors (e.g., self-doubt, judgments, unworthiness, fear of failure, etc.) so we step into our unique and powerful self. Watch Shirzad’s Ted Talk and his scientific approach.  



  • I regularly facilitate this highly impactful 7 week program throughout the year.
  • I will facilitate a group of no more than 6 people for a weekly Pod meeting via Zoom.  We will meet for 1 hour to discuss the weekly learnings with each other.  Most of the course is offline and available in the amazing PQ app. 
  • If you are interested in committing to this 7-week online program for yourself and/or for your organization, please contact me to learn more. 

During this 7 week online course, you will:

  • Learn the three critical mental muscles to shift power from our inner Saboteurs (your negative self) to your inner Sage (your positive self). 
  • Discover lies from inner Saboteurs that keep you stuck, overworked, unproductive, unhappy, and/or unhealthy.  
  • Engage in easy daily practices using the PQ app to build new mental muscles (neural pathways) in as little as 15 minutes per day.
  • Track your progress in the three core mental fitness muscles. MRI studies show that within 8 weeks we can rewire our habitual patterns. How cool is that?!
  • Receive Shirzad’s PQ audiobook and weekly hour-long video that delivers practices to inspire and energize you.
  • Gain support and accountability from us and others to establish lasting new positive habits.
You can complete this program as part of a public group, or it can be brought into your organization.

I am excited to join you on this highly insightful and impactful journey,


To learn more about the course and get signed up, fill out the form below!
*By submitting your email address you agree to receive occasional emails from Rachel Karu and Stepping Into More. We will not use or distribute your information for any other purposes.